Events, Photography, Science, Travel

The Egyptian Mummies Exhibition 2018 at the QLD Museum

'Egyptian Mummies: Exploring Ancient Lives'

As a child, I have always been fascinated with ancient history and civilizations. I remembered the time when I was aimlessly digging under the school building in the hopes of finding some fossils and dreamed of becoming an archaeologist or a paleontologist 😅. Growing up, I’ve watched countless documentaries about Egypt and its mummies. It’s amazing to actually see the real thing right before my eyes.

If you love history (and you happen to be around Brisbane City), this would be a wonderful experience to see for yourself.

Egyptian Mummies: Exploring Ancient Lives exhibition at the QLD Museum will run until 26 Aug 2018. Visit for more details.

'Egyptian Mummies: Exploring Ancient Lives'

Have a look at some of the photos I took during my visit here from this link.

– K.A.

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